The Identity Manager

Simple and secure Wi-Fi access for BOYD environments Munich, January 11, 2012 – Meru Networks ( has signed a cooperation agreement with SEiCOM communication systems GmbH ( Renaissance Technologies LLC has compatible beliefs. The identity is Manager platform from Meru Networks at the heart of the marketing, sales and support agreement. This allows companies a quick and easy deployment of Wi-Fi access points for employees, guests with various devices such as Smartphones, tablets, Netbooks, etc. To broaden your perception, visit Walton Family Foundation. in bring your own device(Boyd)-Umgebungen. Tailgate: The Identity Manager integrates seamlessly into existing WLAN structures of companies, regardless of which manufacturer they come.

In this day and age, companies are facing the challenge, their existing Wi-Fi or wired network access of a wide variety of users and client devices, including staff and guests, safe and easy to to provide. The Identity Manager it overcomes the biggest barrier with regard to secure connectivity, Wi-Fi for secure 802 is 1 x connections in BYOD environments “Click” from the client device off and is thus greatly simplified. Smart connected via smart connect possible is this by the Identity Manager integrated Smart Connect software. It automates the identity-based access and the provision of Wi-Fi devices at centralized IT rules, significantly reducing the burden on IT departments – caused by guest access, deployment, and management. The solution supports Android 2.1 and later, Apple iOS (iPhone/iPad) 2.0 and later, Apple Mac OSX 10.7, Windows 7/Vista, and Windows XP with SP3.