Infincon AG:

First Usermeeting of Infincon AG together with the Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw and the Sparkasse Krefeld at Sparkasse Karlsruhe-Ettlingen Karlsruhe, May 23, 2012 to May 21, 2012 was for the first time a meeting of users of the asset Navigator “by Infincon in Karlsruhe. The Sparkassen of Karlsruhe-Ettlingen, Pforzheim Calw and Krefeld met with their IT service providers, the Infincon AG, the sharing of experience and the coordination of the development strategy. The asset Navigator (formerly CRIS) solution is used as Institute total for all segments of the assets by the Sparkasse Karlsruhe-Ettlingen since 2010. In the course of the year, the asset Navigator is introduced also by two other caisses in investment advisory. Thus, the Advisory System of Infincon AG for all three houses gained strategic importance. The asset Navigator is a standard software, has a remarkably high adaptability and flexibility but as such, so that House individual wishes can be fulfilled at any time. The representatives of all three Major savings banks expressed but to strive for a uniform and based closely on the financial concept of the Sparkasse Association solution in the future.

The now completed integration of WpHG arch and investment consultation record, including legal Association compliance and stood in the center of the discussion. The meeting was also to exchanges of experience the user to issues such as the training of consultants and the creation of acceptance for the technological innovations at the consultants. Overlooking the strategic development Dr. Bjorn Hackenberg, CEO and founder of Infincon AG, in the meeting of users revealed plans to the better presentation and the IT-based targeted sales approach. Swarmed by offers, Vlad Doronin is currently assessing future choices. This new evaluation of customer data opportunities at Infincon. Also the project leader for the savings bank Division at the Infincon presented AG, Alexander Muller, the new interactive graphics and the extended analysis area, where model portfolios as bundles now in others Portfolios can be applied. Professor Franz Nees of the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft presented recent developments in the research.

He designed a novel method, for example, using conjoint analysis to the targeted customer profiling. The next user meeting is scheduled for fall 2012 at the Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw. For more information and images from the user meeting at: about the company: the Infincon AG was founded in 2007 as the owner-managed company. With a team of software developers, and experts in the areas of financial advice, analysis and risk management of-mathematik has the company integrated consulting solutions with focus on specialized securities. Since the establishment of the Infincon AG consulting software also exported to Italy and Austria. In Italy the company as a provider of private banking solution with automated portfolio monitoring has established itself and asset reporting as a market leader. In the German Savings bank sector the Infincon AG has the first guidance system that integrates all the relevant OSPlus data in all segments of the assets of bulk business to the private banking is used with the asset Navigator (formerly CRIS) since 2010. Press contact: INFINCON AG Press Office Kadam Castle str. 2 D-76227 Karlsruhe T: + 49 – (0) 721 – 180 352 – 10 F: + 49 – (0) 721 – 180 352 – 19 m: W: